Gwahanol a Gwych
Daeth Kim Hon i stabal Côsh tra'n chwilio am gymorth i rhyddhau eu albym llawn 1af. Y disgrifiad agosaf i eu cerddoriaeth ydi 'Psych rock', ond pan yn gwrando ar y band, mae'n amlwg eu bod yn dod a fwy i'r sîn na jyst synnau'n unig. Mae yna agwedd a hyder i'r gerddoriaeth sy'n gwneud i rhywun wrando a deimlo'r angerdd sy'n tollti allan o tracia gwych fel 'Baseball' a 'Pry yn y Gwynt'.
Kim Hon came to the Côsh stable while looking for help to release their 1st full length album. The closest description of their music is 'Psych rock', but when you listen to the band, it's clear that they bring more to the scene than just a distinctive sound. There is an attitude and confidence to the music that makes one sit up and listen and feel the passion that pours out of great tracks like 'Baseball' and 'Pry yn y Gwynt'.